Damien Barnett Business Coach and Mentor2024-06-19T10:38:51+10:00
Damien Barnett

Empowering Business Success

Empowering Business Success


About Me


Over the years, I’ve honed my skills in something I’m truly passionate about: using outsourcing, AI, and technology to make businesses more connected and efficient. It’s not just about throwing tech at problems, though. It’s about smart strategies that allow your local team to focus on what really matters: generating revenue.

I’ve discovered a vital truth: the core of a thriving business isn’t just about having the latest gadgets.

It’s about using technology strategically to forge genuine connections and seamlessly generate leads. It’s about pinpointing where your business can ‘trim the fat’ and redirecting your team’s efforts towards tasks that significantly impact your bottom line.

Embracing new technology is a critical part of my work. I know technology can sometimes seem daunting. But, when applied correctly, it can propel your business to new heights. Imagine AI automating the routine tasks, freeing up your team for innovation, creativity, and high-impact projects.

This isn’t about machines taking over. It’s about letting technology serve you, creating an environment where human creativity thrives, unburdened by repetitive tasks.

Every business experiences inefficiencies—areas where time, resources, or talent might be underutilised. My approach focuses on identifying and addressing these areas to boost productivity and make your business more agile and responsive to market demands.

At the heart of success are two key elements: effective communication and meticulous planning. There’s a mantra I live by: ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail.’ A well-crafted strategy is the backbone of any successful initiative. I’m here to guide you in developing these strategies, ensuring that every step is measured, deliberate, and geared towards achieving your goals.

But what does all this mean for you and your business? It means the chance to transform not just how you work in your business, but how your business works for you. Imagine stepping back from day-to-day operations, knowing you’ve optimised every aspect for efficiency, growth, and innovation. That’s the future I want to help you build. 

Let’s create a business that hums—symbolising smooth operations, satisfied customers, and a dedicated team making a real difference. Together, we’ll tailor a plan that fits your unique needs and sets you on a path to not just success, but sustainable growth.

Let’s make your business hum. 

 I’ll tailor a plan
that fits your unique needs

Business mentor and strategist

How I Do It

Business Streamlining • Robot A.I. Employees • Virtual Assistants

Helping business to save money, increase efficiency and productivity.
This allows business owners to be in control of their business by providing simple, proven processes to increase growth and reduce costs.

business streamlining

Identify the areas of excess in your business that are holding you back.
Like they say “Failing to Plan is planning to fail”.

AI Employees can save you time and money

Embrace new technologies to improve efficiency and cut costs.
Let technology work for you, not against you

virtual assistants - a cost effective way to increase your office staff

Implement Cost Effective Offshore staffing to allow your business to access skilled professionals at a fraction of the cost of an in-house staff member.

corporate speaking

As a speaker, consultant, and mentor, I offer practical advice. We’ll navigate leadership, growth strategies, and well-being for high-performance in business and life.

coaching and mentoring

Fulfil your true business potential with tailored coaching and mentoring. Together, our personalised strategies will uncover the key objectives crucial to your success.

spend time away from the office with your business coach

Do business the old-fashioned way!
Let’s discuss what your business needs, while playing a round of golf without the distractions of phones!

Read and Watch


Navigating Challenges in Coaching and Mentoring Relationships

Welcome back to our series on empowering small businesses through coaching and mentoring. Previously we’ve gone over the fundamentals of coaching and mentoring, their differences, finding the right mentor, effective coaching techniques, and setting up a successful mentoring program. This week, we’re diving into how to overcome challenges in these relationships. Coaching and mentoring can really help your business, but there are some challenges. In this post, we’ll cover the typical issues in coaching and mentoring, how to tackle them, and showcase successful examples. Let’s get started!

How to Build a Mentoring Program for Your Small Business

Glad you’re back for our series on empowering small businesses through coaching and mentoring. We’ve covered the basics of coaching and mentoring, how they’re different, and finding the perfect mentor. This week, we’re shifting our focus to creating a successful mentoring program for your small business. A solid program can boost growth, develop skills, and create strong relationships in your business. Now, we’ll go through the steps to set up a mentoring program, tips for pairing mentors and mentees, and the tools and resources you’ll need.

Streamlining Operations: Optimising Your Workflow with Digital Assistants

We’re back again to dive deeper into the exciting world of digital workforce solutions. Last time, we explored how to identify if your business is ready for AI employees or virtual assistants (VAs). Today, we’re going to help you take the next step: selecting the right tools and platforms to meet your business needs. Choosing the right virtual assistant can have a profound impact on your business, especially if you’re in trades like plumbing or electrical services. So, let’s get started on finding the perfect fit!


“The VAs will get the job done. They’re super qualified, they can totally nail the job. My best advice is to find a mentor or consultant who can walk you through this process and provide guidance and support.


“I help businesses thrive by integrating AI, virtual assistants, and smart technology. This optimizes processes, enhances productivity, and frees your team to focus on high-impact tasks, driving growth and sustainable success.”

“Damien’s way of breaking things down is so clear to understand, and enabled me to develop a clear direction for my business going forward.”

“Damien is a very attentive coach who puts the business owners he helps at the forefront, holding us to account and giving us the tools to achieve more.”

Let’s Work Together


Together, we can assess your potential, plan your strategy, build your dream, and deploy your vision into reality today!